We have developed an innovative method to elaborate oxide nanocomposites, such as ZTA and Ce-TZP-based composites.
The method is based on the surface modification of a raw powder with the precursors of the second phases, which crystallize under proper thermal treatment.
This procedure allows:
Patented technology
Granted European Patent EPO “Process for producing zirconia-based multi-phasic ceramic composites”, IP number 2015EP-0714676.
Through the above technology, we have developed a novel Ce-TZP based composite ceramic with a metal-like behavior.
This material joints the excellent strength and hardness typical of ceramics, with very high toughness and Weibull modulus typical of metals.
Typical mechanical properties of our Ce-TZP-based composites.
Typical brittle behavior of a conventional brittle ceramic and pseudo-ductile behavior of our Ce-TZP-based composite.
The composite is made by a Ce-TZP matrix, which provides high transformation toughening,
Typical microstructure of our Ce-TZP composite, with an optimal distribution of all the phases in the composite.
ZTA composites are characterized by high compressive and flexural strength, excellent hardness and wear resistance, and good fracture toughness.
Typical mechanical properties of our ZTA composites.
The composite is made by an α-Al2O3 matrix, to provide strength and hardness, and fine ZrO2 grains to improve the toughness
Examples of developed prototypes: a ZTA femoral head (left) and a Ce-TZP based composite dental implant.